
Mohx Galleries is an online art gallery made by artists and made easy for the collectors.

Search for art to collect -OR- Become a Vendor.

Click buttons below or select from the menu tabs above. Artists – Hover on My Account in the tabs above and select More About Vending for details. Also, take a look at terms and conditions for Mohx Galleries.

Mohx Galleries

Mohx Galleries Mission

  • To provide the collectors with an easy-to-use platform to find the right artworks for their home, work space, as a gift, or anywhere else they need visual stimulant and inspirational works. As a collector, you are buying artworks straight from the artists with the aide of Mohx Galleries being the connection point or meeting place.
  • Bring artists together and give them a place to be found. Each artist has a chance to share input with the development of Mohx Galleries. They also have the ability to add and remove artworks at their convenience. Spread the word an let’s get Mohx Galleries off the ground and running.


  • Creating an easy-to-use site for Artists and Collectors. As we grow, so will our latest technologies. These goals include implementing AI technologies as a way to view the art on our collectors walls in real time and space. This will allow the collector to see how well the artwork will fit in their home (to scale and among current art) before they buy it.  Unfold the future with us. These advancements can only become a reality by becoming a vendor and selling artworks.


  • Because the world continues to grow and we want to make that easier for you as an artist and as a collector.
  • Because art is timeless.
  • Because Marketing art should not have to take away from our need to create. Let us market your artworks for you.